Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter Sample

Harassment complaint letter is written by employees due to harassment in workplace where the manager or supervisor is treating an employee in unfair manner. Most of the harassment's happen to female employees, writing a letter to higher authority can help stop the harassment level and further there are no issues as such in the company against others.

How do you write a harassment complaint letter? When writing such letters, mention clearly the person involved in harassing. Also write what exactly he did and for how long. If the harassment was intolerable send an email to all the higher authorities and also to the HR department. Below is a sample harassment complaint letter.

Sample Workplace Harassment Complaint Letter:

Dear Azar,

I am Jessica from the product testing department with an employee code of 765, I am writing this letter from home; I would like to inform that our Manager Mr Jones has been harassing me from past 3 months.

I have been working in this company for 2 years, I have never faced such issues, and this is first time a manager who needs to lead a team is trying to make comments on me. I have already warned him many times but he still is doing everything in a sarcastic way.

If I don't listen to want he instructs, he sits behind me and make me work hard, assigns work not related to me. Even in the cafeteria he tries to bully me.

I have controlled all these days thinking he might change his behavior. Unfortunately, he it has been increasing.

I request you to quickly look into this matter and talk to Jones. It's not just me but my other colleague Mary also is facing the same issue. We are feeling uncomfortable working become of the Managers Harassment.

I hope you understand my issues and take action against the Manager.

Jessica ( Testing Department)


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